Traditional Fortune Cookies

Traditional Fortune Cookies
Our Traditional Fortune Cookies contain a traditional fortune cookie 'fortune'.
There are hundreds of different messages and the fortune cookies are wrapped in a choice of different colour foil wrappers.
See examples of the messages below.
Choice of wrapper colours - silver, gold and red.
Pack sizes: 50, 100, 150
Personalised fortune cookies with your own messages inside are also available ... details
Traditional fortune messages
Our wedding fortune cookies with traditional fortunes inside contain a large selection of messages inside each box.
Here are just a few examples ...
A stranger will cross your path who later becomes your friend
An old acquaintance will re-enter your life
A chance happening will reveal your destiny
A wise person will give you timely advice
Recognition will come from unexpected sources
Love will be found from a past meeting
Kind words may mean more than they seem
A new friendship will bring unexpected joy
Wedding Fortune Cookie wedding favour boxes
The fortune cookies fit perfectly into our miniature white takeaway boxes to create unique wedding favours.